Our Latest Work

Client: Advats, Advanced Accounting and Tax Solutions

Advats is a small accounting firm located in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. The firm has around four years in the market, getting most of their clients through referrals. In order to gain more clients, especially during tax season the firm decided to explore online options starting with optimizing the website, creating social media accounts and having weekly blog posts.


Position the website in the search ranking, establish a strong brand identity on social media. Offer quality content to attract potential clients through the website. Generate leads during tax season.


We start by optimizing the website, making it user friendly and with a cleaner look. Create a customized strategy for each social media account. Generate traffic to the website through informative blog posts giving as a result a better ranking on Google Search and Google Maps.

The Challenge

The firm gained a good reputation with their previous customers, however, the challenge was generating leads from online resources.

The Approach

Website Optimization: We ensured a seamless user experience that instills trust and professionalism. The design and layout were made clean, organized, and easy to navigate.

Content was optimized with informative and authoritative articles on accounting topics, tailored to the firm's target audience. We incorporated relevant keywords, meta tags, and local SEO strategies to improve visibility in search engine results.

Content was regularly updated, and site performance was monitored. Analytics were used to track user behavior, ensuring the website continually met the firm's goals and client needs.

1. Choose the Right Social Media Platforms

We've selected two key social media platforms to concentrate our online efforts: Linkedin, because it was more suitable for the target audience and Facebook because we wanted to set ads campaigns there as well.

2. Design a Social Media Strategy

Our strategy was based on having regular organic posts on Linkedin and Facebook, to help us generate traffic to the website. After six months prior tax season we decided to start a Facebook Ads Campaign to get more leads.

3. Online Search Positioning

We decided to optimize the firm’s profile on different Google Accounts, Google Maps, Google My Business as well as other search engines like Yelp and Bing, this also helps us with backlinks for our SEO.

4. SEO

We provide a series of informative articles related to the services offered by the firm. Each article is meticulously crafted with SEO in mind, and we maintain a weekly posting schedule.

The Results

As our main result, we generated 30 new leads for the firm through Google Search in just one year. We successfully improved the firm's Google Maps ranking, placing it in the top ten positions for Accounting in Lansdale. Additionally, we significantly increased the firm's following on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Our online community is thriving as we consistently share valuable information with potential clients through our weekly blog posts and keep current clients updated with the latest financial and accounting news via newsletters. Overall, our efforts have enhanced the firm's online presence and led to lead generation.

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