Finding a way

We are a boutique marketing agency passionate about sharing the journey with brands just starting out. To help them achieve their goals and presence on a digital level.

We know that each brand has different needs and objectives. We love to discover together the best way. We do not look for the easiest way, but the most effective one.

Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz
Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz Wonderway Biz



We help small businesses with no digital presence or those who want to enhance their social media positioning. We also assist individuals or content creators with little or no time to manage their social media or support them in developing the right strategy and reaching a wider audience.



We believe in the power of having a positive mindset and how being optimistic about the future can help you enjoy the way to reaching your purpose. We're always ready to brighten your business journey with a smile.



We are not fans of sugarcoating; we value being upfront and telling you the right thing from the beginning. We will let you know if some areas need improvement and find the best way to boost your business.


Wonderway team

Gonzalo Tejada


I have a master's degree in sociology and ten years of varied work experience in marketing, government, and non-governmental organizations. My area of expertise is strategic communication for businesses and social causes. I believe in the power of storytelling to evoke emotions and build meaningful connections. I'm an expert at creating customized marketing strategies for a wide range of audiences and promoting compelling stories that encourage deeper connections.

Almadema Lucich


With seven years of experience in digital marketing and a background in journalism, I've had the privilege of working across various industries, from healthcare, entrepreneurs, to finance. My passion for travel and living in different countries has enriched my perspective, enabling me to better understand the unique needs of businesses. At Wonderway Biz, we blend storytelling with digital marketing to help businesses connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships with their audiences.

Let's find a new way to grow your biz!


Unlock the full potential of your business with our expertise.  Reach out to us, and we'll set up a consultation to discuss your unique marketing needs and goals.